Well the weather outside is frightful…*chuckle*, actually it was a bit rainy, a bit cool, but not frightful.
I had a good night last night, I was tired and a bit grumpy, but it’s over and it’s a new day today. So my new day will be work, home, crafts, homework and cleaning. I have decided to start my spring cleaning this weekend. I have loads of crap and junk lying around everywhere. So I need to reorganize, and un-clutter. I think I will start in my room, finish the upstairs and then move down, floor by floor. I hope I get it done because that is a tall order.
I have finished 4 gecko key chains and one gecko bracelet. I really like the bracelet, I think I may make one for myself.
NEWS FLASH: Scientists have discovered a legless lizard, a toad and a dwarf woodpecker among 14 species believed to be new to science in central Brazil. Is this crazy….plus this area where all these were found is under threat from farming. Plus, there is unknown fish species there…Wow huh? Oh gosh, this blows my mind. I hope to see some pictures.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I shake my head in disbelief.
She's getting buttons for Christmas...
Here is a picture of the button pin that I did make. My sister Randine sneakily claimed that one for herself.
Mr. Magorim
I watched the most wonderful movie last night…Mr. Magorim’s Wonder Emporium. I like it lots…in my world, if I had a store that is exactly how it would be. It would be magical…
All stories, even the ones we love, must eventually come to an end and when they do, it's only an opportunity for another story to begin. *** Eric Applebaum
All stories, even the ones we love, must eventually come to an end and when they do, it's only an opportunity for another story to begin. *** Eric Applebaum
Monday, April 28, 2008
Car Shows and garage sales…
Well I found a few treasures this weekend. I found a three foot Raggity Ann doll, she is lovely. I also found a small two shelf stand… I picked up a couple of beaded necklaces and an old watch.
Joe and I went to the “biggest garage sale” and then just a hop, skip and a jump over to the car show. We stopped at a couple of garage sales and then home we went.
Karen had a couple friends sleep over and I taught them how to bead necklaces. They were fun to teach, eager and ready to learn. We also made cupcakes, and muffins.
Paulette picked me up for coffee on Friday, we ended up going to the Casino, we didn’t win. I had a couple beers, bumped into a couple people, I was home by 11…
I picked up mom for a bit on Sunday. I bought her some awesome-ly cute salt and pepper shakers, little Indian Chief and Maiden. I picked up a small Eiffel Tower for Catherine.
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
Joe and I went to the “biggest garage sale” and then just a hop, skip and a jump over to the car show. We stopped at a couple of garage sales and then home we went.
Karen had a couple friends sleep over and I taught them how to bead necklaces. They were fun to teach, eager and ready to learn. We also made cupcakes, and muffins.
Paulette picked me up for coffee on Friday, we ended up going to the Casino, we didn’t win. I had a couple beers, bumped into a couple people, I was home by 11…
I picked up mom for a bit on Sunday. I bought her some awesome-ly cute salt and pepper shakers, little Indian Chief and Maiden. I picked up a small Eiffel Tower for Catherine.
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Sometimes going green is not so good...
I am sick and I have been sick for the past few days. My son crashed his car. My car was overheating. It’s been a rollercoaster ride for the past week. But all of this doesn’t bother me as much as loosing a close friend. It’s not to death or sickness…it’s to a different way of life. I guess that is putting it politely. I am so mad that she is giving up everything for the “greener pastures”. Funny thing is that I looked up to this person for soo long, and I can’t anymore. It’s so odd how people change, even the closest people you thought would be in your life forever. It’s sad, and makes me sad. But only after everything is said and done and all the damage is done, will she realize what she gave up.
“Put my troubles in a bubble and blow….”
“Put my troubles in a bubble and blow….”
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
I am getting a cold and it sucks I don’t feel so great right now. Plus my car over-heated this morning so I was sitting on the side of Lewvan with no heat! Is this any indication of how the day will be? I hope not. After my Joe’s came to rescue me, off to work I went.
Last night I was in a foul mood. Those girls fighting and bickering.. so after a few yells of my own and a couple of chores for them…all was quiet in my home. I hate it so much when they fight, they could be so mean to each other. Truly bugs the heck out of me.

I did finish my Chanel medallion and those big huge earrings. Then I attempted to make another pair and as I was on the third-last fringe, a foundation bead broke. So threw that against the wall, swept up my beads, tossed those suckers out and lay down for the night. You know I am very thankful that I have Joe, cause as soon as he gets home, he can talk to me and somehow make things not seem so bad.
Today the sky is blue, it’s still cold out, but at least we have blue sky…Breathe!! I am sure the day will get better after lunch…and if it doesn’t at least it’s half over and, tomorrow is another day!
Last night I was in a foul mood. Those girls fighting and bickering.. so after a few yells of my own and a couple of chores for them…all was quiet in my home. I hate it so much when they fight, they could be so mean to each other. Truly bugs the heck out of me.
I did finish my Chanel medallion and those big huge earrings. Then I attempted to make another pair and as I was on the third-last fringe, a foundation bead broke. So threw that against the wall, swept up my beads, tossed those suckers out and lay down for the night. You know I am very thankful that I have Joe, cause as soon as he gets home, he can talk to me and somehow make things not seem so bad.
Today the sky is blue, it’s still cold out, but at least we have blue sky…Breathe!! I am sure the day will get better after lunch…and if it doesn’t at least it’s half over and, tomorrow is another day!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Another interesting find...
Did you hear of the latest find...Researchers from Cleveland Metroparks Zoo discovered a rare giant turtle in northern Vietnam. This soft-shell turtle was thought to be extinct in the wild. There are three other turtles of the species are in captivity.
This is what I find truly interesting... there were rumors for years of a mythical creature living deep in the waters of a northern Vietnam lake. Some in a villagers even seen a glimpse of it's shell as it rose above the surface of their lake.
See how interesting this is, we are still discovering new life, from never seen before creatures to ones that they think have been extinct. A giant turtle, a well preserved baby mamoth, a gigantic squid...my goodness what next. Let's hope for a saber-tooth tiger.
This is what I find truly interesting... there were rumors for years of a mythical creature living deep in the waters of a northern Vietnam lake. Some in a villagers even seen a glimpse of it's shell as it rose above the surface of their lake.
See how interesting this is, we are still discovering new life, from never seen before creatures to ones that they think have been extinct. A giant turtle, a well preserved baby mamoth, a gigantic squid...my goodness what next. Let's hope for a saber-tooth tiger.
An award winning night...April 16th...
So my sister Paulette, invited me to go with her to the 2008 EMCY National Awards Gala. Which I pretty much didn't know what it meant, EMCY means Enriching My Canada and Yours. It was to celebrate multi-culturalism. I sure enoyed this, there was some pretty awesome speaches.
It was a great night, we had a wonderful meal which I was thankful for because I didn't eat all day. I knew I was going to this and since my plans fell through for lunch, I decided to wait for supper. And it was well worth the wait.
Regina's Canadian Idol Finalist, Matt Rapley was there, he performed, he was awesome. I seen a few big wigs, there was Lorne Calvert, Mayor Pat Fiacco, Lori (from CC and Lori radio) and Jill (from the news). I seen my long time pal Agnes Kraemer. We sat at the SGI table and I met a few of her co-workers.
It was a really good night, although Paulette wanted to sneak out early. So off we went and I was home by 9:00, and the kids were all alive. Juhnea babysat Karen and Joe was out with his friends. I will say that Juhnea did a good job, Karen was fed and ready for bed by the time I got home.
It was a great night, we had a wonderful meal which I was thankful for because I didn't eat all day. I knew I was going to this and since my plans fell through for lunch, I decided to wait for supper. And it was well worth the wait.
Regina's Canadian Idol Finalist, Matt Rapley was there, he performed, he was awesome. I seen a few big wigs, there was Lorne Calvert, Mayor Pat Fiacco, Lori (from CC and Lori radio) and Jill (from the news). I seen my long time pal Agnes Kraemer. We sat at the SGI table and I met a few of her co-workers.
It was a really good night, although Paulette wanted to sneak out early. So off we went and I was home by 9:00, and the kids were all alive. Juhnea babysat Karen and Joe was out with his friends. I will say that Juhnea did a good job, Karen was fed and ready for bed by the time I got home.
Monday, April 14, 2008
This sums it up...
Our nephew Drew came to spend the weekend with us… We didn’t do a whole lot and mainly just hung out at home. Plus Raedean came and spent the night with us on Saturday.
This made me laugh... Drew wanted to throw a water balloon at me all day, and I warned him a few times. The last time he said it, he threw one balloon at the house and then came to sit by me. As he was sitting there all innocent, I reached over to where he was holding his last balloon, and I squeezed it. It burst all over the front of his jeans and he was soaked. So all night long he was after me. Got me once, but that was it.
I started a Chanel beaded barrette, I hope that it looks good. So far, so good.
I also stopped in to see Darril at the Pueblo Cultural Craft store. So glad that I did cause he bought some beadwork, I picked out some beads and he also told me of a moccasin making class that he wants to have. So I eagerly put my name in and he is going to teach me a few of his tricks.
My weekend:
We stopped in to see the Uncles and Uncle Gus gave me $100, for no particular reason. That money helped me out greatly and I am very appreciative.
Picked up mom for garage sales and a quick ride.
Dropped of Joe at work, Drew and I drove back. It was a wild ride, I just couldn’t drive my car, so we hopped and we jerked our way back home
Had a bon-fire and wiener roast, invited the neighbours over. We did have to clean the yard before we got to light the fire. Plus we made sure we had a couple bags of marshmallows to roast, and a glow bracelet for each of us.
We met Paulette and Christian at the park, fed the birds and I took him on his first tire tube swing. He got dizzy and couldn’t walk. He didn’t like it.
This made me laugh... Drew wanted to throw a water balloon at me all day, and I warned him a few times. The last time he said it, he threw one balloon at the house and then came to sit by me. As he was sitting there all innocent, I reached over to where he was holding his last balloon, and I squeezed it. It burst all over the front of his jeans and he was soaked. So all night long he was after me. Got me once, but that was it.
I started a Chanel beaded barrette, I hope that it looks good. So far, so good.
I also stopped in to see Darril at the Pueblo Cultural Craft store. So glad that I did cause he bought some beadwork, I picked out some beads and he also told me of a moccasin making class that he wants to have. So I eagerly put my name in and he is going to teach me a few of his tricks.
My weekend:
We stopped in to see the Uncles and Uncle Gus gave me $100, for no particular reason. That money helped me out greatly and I am very appreciative.
Picked up mom for garage sales and a quick ride.
Dropped of Joe at work, Drew and I drove back. It was a wild ride, I just couldn’t drive my car, so we hopped and we jerked our way back home
Had a bon-fire and wiener roast, invited the neighbours over. We did have to clean the yard before we got to light the fire. Plus we made sure we had a couple bags of marshmallows to roast, and a glow bracelet for each of us.
We met Paulette and Christian at the park, fed the birds and I took him on his first tire tube swing. He got dizzy and couldn’t walk. He didn’t like it.
Friday, April 11, 2008
My new Favorite song...
I'm a new soul
I came to this strange world
Hoping I could learn a bit bout how to give and take
But since I came here, felt the joy and the fear
Finding myself making every possible mistake
La, la, la, la (21x)
La, la, la, la (21x)
See I'm a young soul in this very strange world
Hoping I could learn a bit bout what is true and fake
But why all this hate? try to communicate
Finding trust and love is not always easy to make
La, la, la, la (21x)
La, la, la, la (21x)
This is a happy end
Cause you don't understand
Everything you have done
Why's everything so wrong
This is a happy end
Come and give me your hand
I'll take you far away
I'm a new soul
I came to this strange world
Hoping I could learn a bit bout how to give and take
But since I came here, felt the joy and the fear
Finding myself making every possible mistake
New soul...
(la, la, la, la,...)
In this very strange world...
Every possible mistake
Possible mistake
Every possible mistake
Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes...
I came to this strange world
Hoping I could learn a bit bout how to give and take
But since I came here, felt the joy and the fear
Finding myself making every possible mistake
La, la, la, la (21x)
La, la, la, la (21x)
See I'm a young soul in this very strange world
Hoping I could learn a bit bout what is true and fake
But why all this hate? try to communicate
Finding trust and love is not always easy to make
La, la, la, la (21x)
La, la, la, la (21x)
This is a happy end
Cause you don't understand
Everything you have done
Why's everything so wrong
This is a happy end
Come and give me your hand
I'll take you far away
I'm a new soul
I came to this strange world
Hoping I could learn a bit bout how to give and take
But since I came here, felt the joy and the fear
Finding myself making every possible mistake
New soul...
(la, la, la, la,...)
In this very strange world...
Every possible mistake
Possible mistake
Every possible mistake
Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes...
Thursday, April 10, 2008
What did my night bring...
Well another beading night, cause we have a sale at the end of the month to go to. I am so excited... Plus I made a new barrette and earring set last night, and they are sooo lovely. Karen made the pattern for the barrette and I added a few things, made some matching earrings and they are awesome. I did one more keychain. Vernessa is working on her loom still. I have yet to string mine up again.
Drew came over for a visit, Joey took him for a ride…Karen is planning a weekend out at Nadean’s in Pense.
The girls and I made a poutine for supper last night. It was darn good. I am done with the fries craving though.
I am forever receiving little good luck wishes, friendship poems and on and on...but within the one good luck wish was this line:
Live like its Heaven on Earth
I like that saying, it's nice and cute and I think I will. My heaven is home with Joe and the kids...we may struggle, we may not be rich, but we are a happy family. We can grow flowers, feed the fish, walk the dog, invite friends over, make crafts, eat together and sometimes we may fight. But every night I am very thankful for what I do have, and I do see the beauty in simple things.
News Flash: So they found this lung-less frog in Indonesia called Barbourula Kalimantanensis. It actually breathes through its skin…freaky! Amazing huh, how they keep finding new things on a planet where people needlessly litter and carelessly damage the place where their future generations are suppose to live. I shake my head at you! Good for the frog…keep surviving!
Drew came over for a visit, Joey took him for a ride…Karen is planning a weekend out at Nadean’s in Pense.
The girls and I made a poutine for supper last night. It was darn good. I am done with the fries craving though.
I am forever receiving little good luck wishes, friendship poems and on and on...but within the one good luck wish was this line:
Live like its Heaven on Earth
I like that saying, it's nice and cute and I think I will. My heaven is home with Joe and the kids...we may struggle, we may not be rich, but we are a happy family. We can grow flowers, feed the fish, walk the dog, invite friends over, make crafts, eat together and sometimes we may fight. But every night I am very thankful for what I do have, and I do see the beauty in simple things.
News Flash: So they found this lung-less frog in Indonesia called Barbourula Kalimantanensis. It actually breathes through its skin…freaky! Amazing huh, how they keep finding new things on a planet where people needlessly litter and carelessly damage the place where their future generations are suppose to live. I shake my head at you! Good for the frog…keep surviving!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
My Wednesday.....
I drove to work, by myself today. I had such a restless sleep last night, worrying about my driving skills that would be tested once I woke up…that alone kept me awake for a better part of the night. Once my brain was too tired to worry anymore, off to my own world I went.
Back to reality, when I did wake up it was about an hour before my alarm. So I decided to get up anyway and hopefully beat the traffic. So off to work I went, earlier than usual, but once I was on my way, I didn’t stall, I didn’t hop and I didn’t freak out. I did such a good job, now my only worry is getting home. :(
It was a good night last night, Juhnea was in a good mood and Joey got his car running. Karen was playing with new friends. I made four button flowers (I am keeping my first one) and started on some wire wrapped rock key chains, one of course for Juhnea. Oh it was productive. Plus I made supper, spaghetti and meat sauce.
I want to eat a poutine…I am hungry.
Back to reality, when I did wake up it was about an hour before my alarm. So I decided to get up anyway and hopefully beat the traffic. So off to work I went, earlier than usual, but once I was on my way, I didn’t stall, I didn’t hop and I didn’t freak out. I did such a good job, now my only worry is getting home. :(
It was a good night last night, Juhnea was in a good mood and Joey got his car running. Karen was playing with new friends. I made four button flowers (I am keeping my first one) and started on some wire wrapped rock key chains, one of course for Juhnea. Oh it was productive. Plus I made supper, spaghetti and meat sauce.
I want to eat a poutine…I am hungry.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
St. Patrick's Day
So I forgot to post this awesome picture of some leprechauns that I seen while driving down the street. This house always has some sort of awesome display around the holidays. I think I like this one the most.
I'd like to try and make a couple of these little guys, just to have peeking from around a tree or something...
Yard Cleaning
With the snow melting it uncovered mini mountains of Peanut Poop. So Juhnea and I raked it up and picked up twigs and garbage. It looks ton’s cleaner and I can actually see last year’s grass. The snow along the south fence is still there, but it’s melting, slowly but surely.
I did manage to finish one barrette last night, I was so tired. Juhnea pretty much made supper, we had Chicken noodle soup, sandwiches, potatoes and cream corn. Wow huh, little bit of everything.
My sisters stopped by last night, Randine bought me an awesome cool Bob Marley picture. She bought it from a street vendor in Vancouver. Plus some brochures. I love the Bob Marley picture…I have to find a frame that would fit it….oh it’s lovely. They stayed long enough for Catherine to have a glass of wine with me.

She didn’t pick me any shells, which I really wanted, but nevermind, I guess I have to make the trip to the ocean to pick my own. Maybe that is what I need to do this summer. How nice that would be.
Check out this picture I had taken of my fish…Yup that is my tank and you can barely see the sucker fish at the mouth of the cave. Didn’t it turn out cool though….
I did manage to finish one barrette last night, I was so tired. Juhnea pretty much made supper, we had Chicken noodle soup, sandwiches, potatoes and cream corn. Wow huh, little bit of everything.
My sisters stopped by last night, Randine bought me an awesome cool Bob Marley picture. She bought it from a street vendor in Vancouver. Plus some brochures. I love the Bob Marley picture…I have to find a frame that would fit it….oh it’s lovely. They stayed long enough for Catherine to have a glass of wine with me.
She didn’t pick me any shells, which I really wanted, but nevermind, I guess I have to make the trip to the ocean to pick my own. Maybe that is what I need to do this summer. How nice that would be.
Check out this picture I had taken of my fish…Yup that is my tank and you can barely see the sucker fish at the mouth of the cave. Didn’t it turn out cool though….
Monday, April 7, 2008
Whirlwind Weekend...
Warm Water
Is it an old people's thing, or does everyone like drinking warm water?
My weekend
Well my weekend started on Friday...didn't do a whole lot actually. Although my weekend sure did have some ups and downs.
Went to some garage sales on Friday, and found a really good one, bought lots of leather pieces and lacing for like $5.00, and I got her phone number cause she is selling out her beads. I am excited and looking forward to meeting her in like a month to sort though what I want. It was the first garage sale of the season and let me tell you.... it was great.
I had a surprise visit from one of my oldest friends, Mary. We had a good visit and she was suppose to come back, I never seen her yet. But nevermind, I still had a good time seeing her.
Joey took me to some more garage sales, I found a ring and I absolutely love it. Joey and I invited Terry and Arthur over for some drinks on Saturday night. Rae-dean spent the night and she didn't cry. We stopped in to see the Uncles and it felt like we hadn't seen them in a while.
I cut the beadwork off my loom and I am going to get started and finish my barrettes. I had to go and get some more thread as I ran out and that cut short my creating. So my plans for tonight will be to get some of the barrettes done, and maybe string up the loom again.
Taylor was up this weekend, but I didn't get to see her. I was scared to drive alone in that car. I am not that good at driving it and I have stalled it a few times. I am not good at driving it under pressure and I am not good at driving it alone. SO needless to say, Joey has been making me drive everywhere. I am suppose to drive to work tomorrow...all alone. I guess I can't get any worse, so I will try it again and hope I make it.
Juhnea went to Minot on the weekend. She said she had a lot of fun and I am glad that I let her go. She did get a pair of Baby Phat shoes and got her brother some DC ones.
Is it an old people's thing, or does everyone like drinking warm water?
My weekend
Well my weekend started on Friday...didn't do a whole lot actually. Although my weekend sure did have some ups and downs.
Went to some garage sales on Friday, and found a really good one, bought lots of leather pieces and lacing for like $5.00, and I got her phone number cause she is selling out her beads. I am excited and looking forward to meeting her in like a month to sort though what I want. It was the first garage sale of the season and let me tell you.... it was great.
I had a surprise visit from one of my oldest friends, Mary. We had a good visit and she was suppose to come back, I never seen her yet. But nevermind, I still had a good time seeing her.
Joey took me to some more garage sales, I found a ring and I absolutely love it. Joey and I invited Terry and Arthur over for some drinks on Saturday night. Rae-dean spent the night and she didn't cry. We stopped in to see the Uncles and it felt like we hadn't seen them in a while.
I cut the beadwork off my loom and I am going to get started and finish my barrettes. I had to go and get some more thread as I ran out and that cut short my creating. So my plans for tonight will be to get some of the barrettes done, and maybe string up the loom again.
Taylor was up this weekend, but I didn't get to see her. I was scared to drive alone in that car. I am not that good at driving it and I have stalled it a few times. I am not good at driving it under pressure and I am not good at driving it alone. SO needless to say, Joey has been making me drive everywhere. I am suppose to drive to work tomorrow...all alone. I guess I can't get any worse, so I will try it again and hope I make it.
Juhnea went to Minot on the weekend. She said she had a lot of fun and I am glad that I let her go. She did get a pair of Baby Phat shoes and got her brother some DC ones.
My new used car...
Well my van is broken down so Joe was forced to buy me a replacement car to use until I get my van back. The car he bought off a friend happened to be a standard. And I had to learn how to drive it...so my son taught me how last night and I am amazed at how quickly I caught on. I was thinking of excuses to use so that I wouldn't have to drive it...and I jumped behind the wheel, and off I went... it's not that hard. I got it!! It's true, you can teach an old flower (it was supposed to be dog, but I changed it to suit me...*wink*wink*) new tricks.
I have made a really cute felt flower pin, it was fast to stitch up and voila...it's done. I am sorry I can't find the link to this one. If I do come across it again, I promise to post. I have found another pattern for a button pin... is my next flower attempt, it does seem easy enough... here is the link. http://artsycraftybabe.com/
Thank you for this tutorial.
Sibling Rivalry
Does every family have children that fight constantly? Well I don't want to say constantly cause that just ain't true. But holy moly, they can go at it and it truly bugs me. I can't see why they can't get along and why they can't see how mean and hurtful they can be to each other. Plus it hurts me to know that they say mean things to each other and just don't realize how that makes them feel. Words do hurt!!
Well my van is broken down so Joe was forced to buy me a replacement car to use until I get my van back. The car he bought off a friend happened to be a standard. And I had to learn how to drive it...so my son taught me how last night and I am amazed at how quickly I caught on. I was thinking of excuses to use so that I wouldn't have to drive it...and I jumped behind the wheel, and off I went... it's not that hard. I got it!! It's true, you can teach an old flower (it was supposed to be dog, but I changed it to suit me...*wink*wink*) new tricks.
I have made a really cute felt flower pin, it was fast to stitch up and voila...it's done. I am sorry I can't find the link to this one. If I do come across it again, I promise to post. I have found another pattern for a button pin... is my next flower attempt, it does seem easy enough... here is the link. http://artsycraftybabe.com/
Thank you for this tutorial.
Sibling Rivalry
Does every family have children that fight constantly? Well I don't want to say constantly cause that just ain't true. But holy moly, they can go at it and it truly bugs me. I can't see why they can't get along and why they can't see how mean and hurtful they can be to each other. Plus it hurts me to know that they say mean things to each other and just don't realize how that makes them feel. Words do hurt!!
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