Monday, June 30, 2008

I’m Baa-ack!!

I have prettied up my backyard and my tomato plants are doing great. I even met this wonderful little lady at a convenience store across the city. This wonderful little lady gave me a bundle of winter onions. They were loaded with little bulbs (?), so that I could plant them in my yard and all year round I would have onion. I have to make a trek out to my garden plot today, I have a feeling the neglected weeds have grown to mammoth size. We did have one death in the plant family…my gourd plant has died. Its one lonely little gourd has shrivelled up and died. I don’t know what I did wrong, but I did try to save it.

I have beaded for a bit over the weekend. I haven’t done much, since I was thinking that my next sale isn’t for a while. Well opened my email to the pleasant surprise of an invite to another celebration to which I can have a table. So I think I might prepare for that one. It’s three weeks away, I wonder if I will have anything ready?

OOOhhh, I tried painting. I bought a canvas, some acrylic paints, and brushes. I stared at this little canvass and imagined what I would paint. Well I painted and I don’t like it. I totally thought I would just create a beautiful masterpiece, and I was disappointed. So my first painted creation was a disaster, I will try once more, since now I have kind of an idea what I want to make.

The Candy Shoppe

I went to this Candy Shoppe and it was wonderful. It was like a store that they would have on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I bought a pre-made candy bag for Karen and her friend, since it was obvious that they were having problems picking candies. My turn came to buy and I wanted to get something I wouldn’t find in a normal candy store. So I walked out with a box of Bacon and Cheese flavoured Crick-ettes, and two flavoured honey straws. Oh and they were real Bacon and Cheese flavoured Crick-ettes…real Crick-ettes the kind that jump and make music from the hairs on their drumsticks…as read on the back of the box. So I tried the drumstick, breast, wings, rump and flank….All this in one crick-ette. Needless to say I couldn’t look at it as I popped the hard and dried little carcass into my mouth. Crunch, Crunch, tastes like a bacon puff. Seriously!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Who would have thought camping is sooo much work. I still have bags yet to unpack, and I am trying to do it all right. So that when we go camping again all we have to do is load the van and we are off. So cleaning a space to load all the camping gear is kinda hard since I am pinched for space as it is. **sigh**

So I cleaned out coolers last night, packed bags and stacked it in a corner. Geri came over, we just made supper, sat outside on the bench and we watched a movie…Down with Love. I liked it, didn’t at first, but it was colourful and I like the clothes and hair. Thought it was pretty darn cool.

My allergies are starting to bother me. You know those floatly white things from the trees? Well those are the things I am allergic to. So needless to say, my eyes are starting to puff and start to run.

BBBbrrrrrrrrrrrr, It’s cold in here.

Monday, June 23, 2008


Our first camping trip of the summer was a good one. Me, Joe, Juhnea, Karen, Sheraine, Karryann, Rod, Christian, Ray-Dean and Karen all went camping. It was a nice time.

Joe bought some fireworks and lit them off on Saturday night. My step-dad Gilbert came and visited us down in the campsite, I was pretty happy to see him.

We were at the beach for a long time on Sunday, we even went to a couple different beaches. It was really nice. I buried Karen and Rae-dean in the sand. We spent time trying to catch minnows in a net.

We ate barbequed bananas with marshmallows. We really should have put some chocolate in it. They were sure tasty. Yum, that will be a camping dessert. I think next time I might take some apples with butter and brown sugar. I think those would be really tasty in the barbeque.

Our first camping trip of the summer was good, we are excited to go on another camping trip.

It was a good time forsure.....

Thursday, June 19, 2008

A busy little bee...

I was a busy girl last night. I picked up my momma, took the girls to the garden. Weeded, it’s almost weedless.

Picked up some pails to put my patio tomatoes in. They were restaurant pails and they were ugly. So I hammered some nails into the bottom, then cut some old bamboo blinds and wrapped them around with some brown cord. I made three for myself and one for Karryann. Now I have three more tomato plants that I yet have to pretty up. Oh and I made a garden dream catcher out of one of the bamboo things. Looks pretty. I got the container idea from under the container section.

I pretty much stayed either at the garden or outside at home, fixing my herbs and plants there. I am so proud of myself that they are actually growing. I am impressed with me. This is probably the first year that I have had a garden on my very own and it’s growing.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Joe!!

Today is the birthday of my high school sweetheart and love of my life. Happy Birthday Joe! I hope you have a wonderful day, I love you with all my heart.

I went for coffee last night with Paulette, just went to Joe’s work. Then afterwards I finished two beaded medicine pouches. I really like them. My next attempt, I am going to try to add a Bob Marley theme to it. I’ll probably keep it if it turns out awesome.

Ohhh and what did I spy? My herbs are all coming up, slowly, but surely. I think I may have planted too many, but if I put them in flower boxes and hang them on the fence I can share with my neighbour. I did plant cilantro, which I have no idea on how to use…I will have to look that up. I also have some parsley, chives, basil, thyme and mint. I thought I would try to do the dried herb thing myself.

I think I am getting bored, I need a new hobby, I just am not sure what to try. I would like to do some mosaic thing, or sew. I have finally got the knitting thing down…crochet maybe?

Monday, June 16, 2008

Mosaic 2008

Well I can honestly say that my family has pulled through for me during the Mosaic week. I couldn’t have held the table and dealt with the loss of Cody if it weren’t for my family. So thanks to them, my table was a success and I even met a new contact to hold a table for another event.

I did take some pictures of the things I had at my table...

Care Bear’s Garden

I have gone to my garden, finally after about a week and a half. Plus there was rain almost all week. To my pleasant surprise, I seen sprouts among the hundreds of tiny weeds. So far there are onions, tomatoes, beans, sunflowers, lettuce, peas and radishes poking through. So needless to say my mom came and helped me weed. It didn’t take long since my plot is kinda small. But I can only imagine the great harvest that is yet to come. I am so excited.

Plus the radishes, lettuce and onions that I planted in containers at home have sprouted as well. I even have a birdhouse gourd that is about 2 inches long. My plan is to make homemade salsa, I hope I can do this. I would also like to try making jam. I know, ambitious aren’t I?

Monday, June 9, 2008

R.I.P Cody

Even though we were only starting to get to know you, you made a huge impact on our lives. You are Joey’s best friend and such a pleasure to have around. We will miss you. You will be forever in our hearts.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Well I have had a busy, busy weekend and week so far. Let me see what I did. I checked on my garden, no seedlings yet. Planted some flowers and veggies at home in containers... Planted some flowers and veggies at Paulette's new place.

Beaded some necklaces, and made some rings. My sale is this week and I am excited.

Had a barbeque at Vernessa's last night. Went for coffee the other night with Paulette and Vernessa.

Got a new Kitten named Gizmo. He is adorable.

I am a busy, busy girl...