I had finished a necklace that I began beading to show Vernessa how to make it. It’s done….just need to post a picture. Vernessa is at the point where the necklace part has to be done. She is learning fast and I am happy to have someone to bead with. I have a few pairs of earrings that I need to post also, the star earrings that I had shown her how to make. We have been busy.

Juhnea and I make sugar cookies this weekend and they turned out pretty good. I am still new at the whole baking experience. But I am sure I will get better. I only burnt fries this week, and it’s only because I forgot I was cooking.

Juhnea and I make sugar cookies this weekend and they turned out pretty good. I am still new at the whole baking experience. But I am sure I will get better. I only burnt fries this week, and it’s only because I forgot I was cooking.
The girls and I like trying different fruits and foods. We try to taste everything once. This time we bought starfruit, I have wanted to try
that for a while and I must say that I was a teeny bit diappointed with it. What is does lack makes up in looks and smell. Really lovely to look at, but I probably won't buy it agian.

We also bought a couple coconuts, we were trying that agian for the first time. I think it was more of a novelty, but agian, kept us busy and we
had fun trying to crack that little hairy sucker open. Success after a bit, but we didn't get a whole lot of coconut milk from that. We also decided that we couldn't do the Survivor Coconut diet.
My neice Taylor came to visit and she has a blog also, I have to find a way to link it to mine. She did say how she never thought I was weird until now….I am confused. I have always been this way. Nevermind…She is still my favourite niece, and my only one!
My son came home on the weekend and announced that he traded his car for yet another one….the one that he has always wanted. A Honda Civic, so he drove me to work today. It’s a nice car, it’s low and has to be raised. It’s a standard and I can’t drive it. But it’s what he wanted and he looks so handsome when he is happy. I'll post a picture when I have one.

My neice Taylor came to visit and she has a blog also, I have to find a way to link it to mine. She did say how she never thought I was weird until now….I am confused. I have always been this way. Nevermind…She is still my favourite niece, and my only one!
My son came home on the weekend and announced that he traded his car for yet another one….the one that he has always wanted. A Honda Civic, so he drove me to work today. It’s a nice car, it’s low and has to be raised. It’s a standard and I can’t drive it. But it’s what he wanted and he looks so handsome when he is happy. I'll post a picture when I have one.
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