Thursday, February 28, 2008

It's snowing today!

Well I bought this microwave stand from a "for sale" website, and made a deal to buy it for $5.00. So as I drove across town to pick it up, I thought about not getting it cause how good could it be for $5.00. Well imagine my surprise when I went to have a look at it and it was "brand new" looking. Plus it was a lot larger than I thought. So it was my mission last night to rearrange my kitchen to make room for the stand. And I might add, it looks darn good.

Juhnea, Karen and I drove to pick the stand up and the girls helped me load it, and it was heavy. After we loaded up the stand we drove to the hospital to see Leah and her new born baby, Seanna. Oh my gosh, how tiny and small and perfect. I fell in love and I wanted to take her home. She was so quiet and just looked around and her feet were so tiny, with ten perfect little teeny toes. I didn't hold her, cause I am soo afraid of bending her in half. So I admired and poked, then we left so that Leah could have a rest.

On the drive home, we decided to stop in at Catherine's for a minute or so, just to say "hi". It was a good visit, Santana was there also. So after some visiting there we rushed home thinking Lost or Survivor was on, it was only when we turned the TV on, that I realized it was only Wednesday. So for the rest of the night, I rearranged the kitchen, rearranged it again, sat down, and rearranged it again.

Eric gave me a bottle of homemade Coconut Rum, and I was so leery of trying it, just in case there was some nasty poison in it or something. I made him drink a shot with me, and it was so good. So that was a bonus. I need to invest in a wine rack or something. I want to make wine...I want a wine kit. I have only been asking for one of those for a couple years. I guess I will be forced to buy my own.

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