Easily duped: tending to trust and believe people, and therefore easily tricked or deceived
I have heard in the last two days about how gullible I am. Ok, I know I am a little bit too trusting, but is that bad to believe that most people are truly good and honest? However, looking at the definition of gullible, that makes me want to look at people with shifty eyes and a hardened heart. But that’s not me…I believe in charma, I will believe in those people I trust, I will forgive and if you do cross me, I will wait for my revenge when Charma comes knocking on your door. Besides look at me…is that a face of evil and wickedness? Hee Hee Hee
I have heard in the last two days about how gullible I am. Ok, I know I am a little bit too trusting, but is that bad to believe that most people are truly good and honest? However, looking at the definition of gullible, that makes me want to look at people with shifty eyes and a hardened heart. But that’s not me…I believe in charma, I will believe in those people I trust, I will forgive and if you do cross me, I will wait for my revenge when Charma comes knocking on your door. Besides look at me…is that a face of evil and wickedness? Hee Hee Hee

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