Friday, February 29, 2008


The sun is up at 8:09, and that is wonderful, I can come to work with the sun rising and when I leave the sun is still up in the sky. I honestly love that.

So last night I finished 5 pairs of earrings, 1 necklace and 1 keychain. It was only Karen and I home, so I let her play with her friends and then she came and sat with me to watch my favorite programs. It was a nice night.

Vernessa didn't get home last night, so I didn't sort out my stuff...I'll wait until today if she comes back.

Does every mom think of all possible things that could go wrong, or things that could happen when your child goes out. Let me tell you, my mind races to all kinds of crazy scenarios. I know I need to trust that my kids will make good choices when they go out, but it's the "other" crazy people that scare me. Both my older kids spent the night out last night, and I know where they were, but were they really where they said they would be? I try to think of the positive things they could be doing, but then those crazy thoughts flood my mind and take over. Oh craziness, I age drastically just worrying about them. I know I am not a very religious person (reason my kids go to Catholic school, just to get some kind of religion), but in cases like this, I do pray that there is someone watching out for my babies.

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