Monday, June 16, 2008

Care Bear’s Garden

I have gone to my garden, finally after about a week and a half. Plus there was rain almost all week. To my pleasant surprise, I seen sprouts among the hundreds of tiny weeds. So far there are onions, tomatoes, beans, sunflowers, lettuce, peas and radishes poking through. So needless to say my mom came and helped me weed. It didn’t take long since my plot is kinda small. But I can only imagine the great harvest that is yet to come. I am so excited.

Plus the radishes, lettuce and onions that I planted in containers at home have sprouted as well. I even have a birdhouse gourd that is about 2 inches long. My plan is to make homemade salsa, I hope I can do this. I would also like to try making jam. I know, ambitious aren’t I?

1 comment:

  1. I love gardening too! I feel like such a dork sometimes, but there is nothing like seeing something sprout up from a seed due to the love and care you've given to it.

    I'm available to come over to sample your salsa and jam. I'll bring some of our tomatoes and onions...oh, and wine too. I don't make the wine, but I sure know how to drink it! ;)
    hee hee

