Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Who would have thought camping is sooo much work. I still have bags yet to unpack, and I am trying to do it all right. So that when we go camping again all we have to do is load the van and we are off. So cleaning a space to load all the camping gear is kinda hard since I am pinched for space as it is. **sigh**

So I cleaned out coolers last night, packed bags and stacked it in a corner. Geri came over, we just made supper, sat outside on the bench and we watched a movie…Down with Love. I liked it, didn’t at first, but it was colourful and I like the clothes and hair. Thought it was pretty darn cool.

My allergies are starting to bother me. You know those floatly white things from the trees? Well those are the things I am allergic to. So needless to say, my eyes are starting to puff and start to run.

BBBbrrrrrrrrrrrr, It’s cold in here.

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